Workshop- Debate for the data precondition of effective decision-making for children
Tirane, 15 November 2016
On November 15th, was conducted the workshop of Tirana Region entitled “Workshop- for promoting the debate on data precondition of effective decision-making for children”. This workshop was realized in accordance to the project entitled “Child Rights Observatory supports evidence-based child-sensitive policy planning, with focus on decentralized action” implemented in partnership with UNICEF in Albania following the 11 Workshops realized by Observatori in the other 11 Regions of Albania. In the Workshop participated representatives from: Regional Council of Tirana; Prefecture Tirane; local government municipalities of Tirana, Kavaja, Kamza and Vora; local institutions of health sector, pre education sector, social protection sector and police such as Regional Educational Directorate Tirane, Education office Kamez, Department of Public Health Kavaje, the Regional Health Authority Tirane, Social Services Tirane, Police Department Tirane; Commissioner for the Right to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data and from NGO that work directly or indirectly in Children’s Rights area. The participation of all these actors and institutions is a valuation and support to the work and mission that Observatory has realized during these years.
The debate has bring different issues and arguments, such as:
- The need to unify the indicators collected from public institutions in order to be comparable internally and abroad in different reports. Initially it was suggested to unify a small number of indicators which would be easily applicable.
- The process of data collection in nation, regional and local level for children, because of the wide range of indicators, is delicate and it has faced different difficulties despite the good will to collaborate by the local institutions. Anyway the progress for the period 2009-2015 has been improving from year to year, which shows a growing awareness of the institutions in this regard.
The new territorial division causes a shrink of the data because their collection is conducted in Municipality level and not in Administrative Unit level as integral part of these Municipalities.
The representative of Commissioner for the Right to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data stated that, according to the current low, statistical data that not constitute a state secret and that are not considered just for internal use, should be made available to all organizations or individuals according to their requirements within the terms defined by the low. This process is easier when the collaboration between organizations and state institutions is regulated by a agreement or a bilateral memorandum with rights and obligations clearly defined.