Debate for out of school children with school representatives and Local Institutions in Durres
“Out of school children”, an initiative of MoES, with the support of UNICEF is implemented by the Observatory for Children’s Rights. This initiative started in 2013 and was followed by the Observatory for Children’s Rights from 2014 onward, with the aim of identifying and registering in school all children of compulsory education age as well as preventing school leave by children who are at risk of dropping out. This initiative aims to establish adequate mechanisms that facilitate the attendance of school from every child of compulsory school age till 9 grade.
In the framework of the initiative, on 20, 21 and 22 January 2016 three days of training were held with the directors and representatives of schools, representatives of local institutions and local government regarding the implementation of 3 Ministerial Regulation “Identification and enrollment in school all children of compulsory school age”. In the debate on out of school children was identified an added interest, active participation of local representatives, who expressed their willingness to be mobilized to implement this Regulation- in view of the issue of children out of school, and at risk of dropping it.
Training was facilitated by staff on the initiative and Mr. Besnik Rama, specialist of MoES. During the training, were explained the roles, duties, responsibilities, deadlines, reporting periods, the collection of indicators, developing lists of ministries and depending institutions that have signed the Regulation.