Training’s and debate with representative of the pilot schools_ May 2016
“Out of school children”, an initiative of MoES, with the support of UNICEF is implemented by the Observatory for Children’s Rights. This initiative started in 2013 and was followed by the Observatory for Children’s Rights from 2014 onward, with the aim of identifying and registering in school all children of compulsory education age as well as preventing school leave by children who are at risk of dropping out. This initiative aims to establish adequate mechanisms that facilitate the attendance of school from every child of compulsory school age till 9 grade.
In the framework of the initiative, on 13, 14, 27 and 28 May 2016 were held training’s (2 day training’s) with 51 representative of the pilot schools (directors, teachers and psychologists), with the aim of the awareness and support of each educational institution and every community member in obtaining registration of all children of school age in school attendance, regular attendance, inclusion and the end of compulsory education.
Some of the debate results during the training are listed as follows:
- Inform director, teaching staff and members of communities on their roles and responsibilities in identifying cases of children who are not yet enrolled in school, the children who do not attend regularly teaching and prevention school dropout risk cases.
- Provide pedagogical strategies and emotional support for students who tend to dropout.
- Introduce a mechanism to identify children who tend to drop out of school and finding effective ways of their social involvement in school life and activities.
- Strengthening the family-school-community relations and the functioning of the bodies set up within the school.
Training and the debate for the issue of out of school children was facilitated by Mrs. Aurela Zisi, IZHA. During the training was explained the training module developed in the framework of the initiative “Providing attendance and completion of basic education for every child.”