Supporting 245 families in need with food packages – hygienic – Municipality of Shkodra, Korca and Klos

In framework of the difficult situation created by the global pandemic of Covid-19,  Observatory for Children and Youth Rights, “Voice of Youth” network  with the financial support of UNFPA, within the project “Leave No One Behind ”, joined the forces and came to the aid of 245 families in need from the Municipality of Korça, Shkodra and Klos with food and hygiene packages in these difficult days.
We thank the work team, which helped with the packaging of the aids, to the distribution to families !!!
We thank the staff of the Observatory for coordinating the work, Youth Voice network , SOS  Villages volunteers, Y-Peer and AIESEC Albania, Korça Municipality, Shkodra Municipality, Klos Municipality, UNFPA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for their support. and the contribution given!