The case of sexual abuse attempt of a 14 year old girl by the office assistant of the deputy Koço Kokëdhima in Saranda
The civil society organizations that observes and protects the rights of the child in the country, considers the event as a flagrant case of violation of child’s basic rights, and also as a highly severe invasion of human dignity of the woman and the child.
The case that has shocked the entire public opinion, shows once again the attempt to sexual exploit and abuse to Albanian children from people in power. Child abuse is a known phenomenon and this occurrence shows how easily children’s rights can be violated by using the desperate situations of simple citizens in search for employment. We highly appreciate the courage of this mother and woman, whom, despite the poverty situation where she is forced to live in, decided to make public the immoral violence of a man who was given power by a deputy of the Albanian Parliament, in the city of Sarandë.
By taking into consideration this severe and shocking event, the organizations that joined into this declaration, make the following recommendations:
1. Verifying the identity of every person who is in contact with people, especially with children, to eliminate any possibility that, people with a tendency to commit sexual offenses to use their position or power to abuse children;
2. Parliament of Albanian and Ministry of Interior should take with consideration and high priority request, made for several years from civil society, to establish the “National Registry for Sexual Crimes”, in order to avoid contact of sexual predators against children, women etc.
3. Raising the effectiveness of the work of the governmental structures in charge of children’s rights protection in local level in order to be closer to sensitive problems regarding children’s rights violation;
4. Media needs and should be active in supporting awareness raising campaigns, to disseminate information about all forms of abuse and exploitation of children, and be active in denouncing any case, especially when they relate to public officials or individuals close to them.
5. To create a task force, where the citizens can denounce these cases, similar to the case when the Internal Control Service arrested Velipoja’s police chief.
This public statement is supported by the following organizations:
– Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve në Shqipëri
– Qendra për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Fëmijëve në Shqipëri (CRCA)
– ALO 116: Linja Kombëtare e Telefonit të Ndihmës për Fëmijët
– Koalicioni për Arsimin e Fëmijëve
– Shtëpia e të Drejtave të Njeriut
– Shoqata Kristiane e Grave Shqiptare (YWCA)
– Fondacioni” Syri I media së re”
– “Qendra e informimit Arhus” Vlorë
– Partner për fëmijët
– “Edukimi për Shoqërinë e Hapur”
– Women’s Democracy Network Albania
– “Shpresë për të ardhmen” Shkodër
– Shoqata qëndistarët Korçë
– Ambasada PINK/LGBT
– Qendra për nisma ligjore Qytetare
– Shoqata”Gruaja Nëne dhe Edukatore”
– Gender Alliance for Development Center
Tirana, 21st August 2014