Donor:  Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, International Development Cooperation (MFEA)

Main partner: Forum for Equitable Development

Duration: April 2023- October 2025

Observatory for Children and Youth Rights, in partnership with Forum for Equitable Development, is implementing the project “Youth Build Sustainable Environmental Solutions” during the period April 2023- October 2025, an initiative financed by from the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, International Development Cooperation (MFEA).

The project will increase understanding of the impact of climate change on urban water bodies and gender in Albania, empower young people for environmental activism (especially 10 selected young activists), raise awareness among 1,000 young people, 20 decision-makers and the general public about the impact and consequences of climate change, and through environmental actions, also mitigate climate change, as young people will implement 20 measures in 5 schools, and 3 sonar solutions by the lake in Tirana, which will have a positive impact on nature and water.
The implemented activities and results will contribute to a greater capacity to combat climate change, climate change mitigation and adaptation in Albania, with a special focus on sustainable water management, addressing gender inequality and active youth inclusion. Thus, the project will contribute to the sub-goals of sustainable development: 13.3 Improve education, awareness and human and institutional capacities for climate change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning, 6.6 Until 2030, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountain areas, forests , wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes and 5.1 Eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.

Project goal; To increase capacity to combat climate change in Albania, especially Tirana and its surroundings, for climate change mitigation and adaptation, with a special focus on sustainable water management, addressing gender inequality and active inclusion of young people.