Term of Reference – Expert

Posted on: January 10, 2024

Deadline: February 02, 2024

Title/Subject: Observatory issues a call for expertise in various program areas and invites experts to express their interest by (was January 25, 2024), extended to February 02, 2024

The Observatory for the Rights of Children and Youth (Observatory) was established as a UNICEF program in Albania in 2009, becoming the first civil society structure for monitoring children’s rights at the local level. It was officially registered on May 30, 2013 (Court Decision No. 813) and operates as an observatory and mobilization structure at the regional level. Its mission is to ensure the dignity and well-being of children and youth throughout Albania through observation, research, analysis, communication, and advocacy, collaborating with other actors/institutions, and engaging in awareness-raising and public education campaigns. The Observatory is present nationwide with thirteen regional experts (one for each region of the country).

Over the past 10 years of project implementation, we have strengthened our network in all regions, actively engaged in various empowerment and mobilization programs, enhanced our presence in Albanian society, and advanced cooperation within the network from the national to the local level. The Observatory has implemented 80 projects, addressing, among other things, the monitoring of national and local plans, strategies, the enforcement of laws concerning children and families with economic issues, and youth outside the education system or labor market. The Observatory has developed capacity-building plans for target groups based on monitoring findings and international practices, presented through donor partnerships.

The Observatory is committed to a joint initiative with line ministries such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Minister of State for Youth, local governance units, as well as other international organizations, to strengthen interventions in systems and laws, providing sustainable and integrated policies and services for the protection of children and youth.

To achieve our goals and strategic objectives, the Observatory engages in processes that require high-level expertise in the field of child protection, child labor, child trafficking and exploitation, juvenile justice, youth development, disaster risk reduction, inclusive education, good governance, and decentralization of services for children, families, and vulnerable communities. These processes are mainly undertaken by external experts under close supervision and collaboration with the technical staff of the Observatory.

In this context, the Observatory is opening this call for expressions of interest and willingness to engage with experts/consultants who will compete to be part of the consultancy list for the next 3 years (2024-2027), offering a range of services in various areas of expertise as specified in the sections below.

Types of expertise/consultancy required:

  • Training module design
  • Providing training (physically or online)
  • Assessment of need
  • Evaluation and review
  • Research and analysis
  • Designing processes (strategy, advocacy/lobbying, roadmap, etc.)
  • Legal review and drafting of legal acts
  • Raising Institutional Capacities
  • Designing, drafting of policies and recommendations for different situations of children’s rights;
  • Lecture or Facilitation of seminars or conferences
  • Production of promotional materials, videos, web design, etc.

Required/preferred areas of expertise are:

  • Education
  • Policy and social protection
  • Human rights and gender equality
  • Central and local government
  • Health
  • Innovation

The labor and child protection principles briefly include, but are not limited to:

  • Treat children with respect and dignity;
  • Listen to children’s views and opinions;
  • Inform the children’s parents/guardians/legal guardians and obtain written consent before any interaction with the children (this includes specific written permission when it comes to photography/video);
  • Be sensitive to and respect the child’s age and maturity, cultural background and local social and family norms;
  • Dress culturally appropriately;
  • Always be accompanied by another adult (preferably a parent/legal guardian or teacher) when meeting a child;
  • Do not abuse children (sexual, emotional, psychological and physical abuse).

Interested experts are welcome to express their interest and willingness to collaborate with the Observatory via email: hr@observator.org.al by February 02, 2024.

The confirmation message should include at least:

  1. The field(s) of interest
  2. CV
  3. And any other documents you consider necessary.

Selected experts will be notified and will be part of the list of experts to be contracted by the Observatory according to the requirements and needs in projects and initiatives over the next 3 years (January 2024 – January 2027). The Observatory is committed to a transparent process while maintaining the confidentiality of personal data of each expert/engaged person.

Ripublikim-Ekspert për përmiresimin e programeve edukative mbi monitorimin dhe vlerësimin e programeve dhe politikave

Tiranë, më 27 Janar 2023


Thirrje për shprehje interesi- Ekspert për të përmirësimin e kurrikulës mbi monitorimin dhe vlerësimin


“Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe të Rinjve”, në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit “Monitoring and reporting on children rights for better policy options” të zbatuar në partneritet me UNICEF në Shqipëri është i interesuar të përfitojë shërbim për ekspertizë nga individë, persona fizik ose juridik.

Titulli i punës:

  1. Ekspert për identifikimin e boshllëqëve dhe mundësive në përmiresimin e programeve edukative në kuader të rritje së kapacititeve mbi monitorimin dhe vlerësimin e programeve dhe politikave. – 20 ditë pune


Kohëzgjatja e angazhimit 3 Shkurt– 3 Mars 2023

Të interesuarit duhet të jenë të pajisur me diplomë master dhe të kenë të paktën 7 vite eksperiencë pune në fushën për të cilën aplikojnë, ose me diplomë bachelor dhe të kenë të paktën 9 vite eksperiencë pune.


Individët, personat fizik dhe/ose juridik të interesuar janë të lutur anë të lutur që të shprehin interesin duke dërguar bashkëngjitur një CV deri me date deri me date 02.02.2023 (fizikisht ose me email):

Adresa: Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe te Rinjve,

Rruga.Bridaga e VIII, Pall.LID, K.1,Z.1, Tirane – Shqipëri



Kjo thirrje do të qëndrojë e hapur që nga data e bërjes publike (27.01.2023) e deri në mbylljen e saj (02.02.2023).  Vetëm personat e përzgjedhur do të kontaktohen.

Ripostim Njoftim per Ofrim Sherbimi

Tiranë, më 03 Tetor 2022


“Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe të Rinjve” është e interesuar që të punësoj Subjekt per Organizimin e Eventeve për zbatimin e Projektit me donator UNICEF “ Reaching the ureached” .


Subjektet duhet të sigurojnë nevojat e mëposhtme :


  • Materiale Kancelari (120 sete)
  • Draftim dhe printim materialesh ( 120 cope)
  • Sherbim Transporti neper Bashki dhe Brenda TiranesService ( 12 aktivitete ne qytetet Tirane, Elbasan, Diber, Fushe Kruje, Lezhe)
  • Shprenzime dreke dhe pushim I shkurter kafeje ( 240 persona)
  • Qera dhome ( 12 dite)
  • Ekspert per sesione online ( 24 aktivitete)


Subjektet e interesuara preferohet të kenë eksperienca të mëparshme angazhimi me Organizatat, Nderkombetare dhe Institucionet lokale dhe Qendrore, .


Subjektet e interesuar janë të lutur që të dërgojnë Oferten Financiare  brenda dt. 06.10.2022  në adresën:


Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe Të Rinjve

Rruga “Brigada e VIII”, Pall LID”

Kt 1, Z. 1 Tirane – Albania

E-mail: info@observator.org.al

Web: www.observator.org.al


Ky ripostim thirrjeje ( postimi i pare i bere me date 12.09.2022-23.09.2022)  do të qëndrojë e hapur që nga data e bërjes publike (03 Tetor 2022) e deri në mbylljen e saj (06 Tetor 2022 ).  Vetëm subjektet e përzgjedhur do të kontaktohen.

Project WONDER – Child friendly destinations (n. 1090)


WONDER project’s main overall objective is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of destinations from the Adriatic-Ionian Region thanks to a child-friendly approach, aimed at improving the live ability of cities and the touristic offer (governance, environment and services) through the development of new and innovative participatory methods, coherently with programme Specific Objective

The expected results produced will be:

  • New touristic offer addressed to children and families through innovative participatory methods
  • Improved cooperation at local and transnational level among tourism sector, local authorities, civil society organizations and citizens/children
  • Well-defined transnational identity and raising awareness developed on child-friendly tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian area.

The above mentioned results will be reached through 2 main outputs:

  1. WONDER destinations ACTION PLAN;
  2. The WONDER-Transnational Network of Child-Friendly Destinations, targeting different groups: from general public (including children), education institutions, civil society and NGOs, to public bodies and authorities, but also the private sector, including enterprises in the tourism sector.

The WONDER project will combine a top-down approach (decisions and strategies at local authority level) with a bottom-up approach (children’s, civil society, business sector, media involvement) to develop an innovative approach for child-friendly destinations. Though some of the partners involved are already committed in developing initiatives targeted to children, a complete & integrated policy targeted to children, both as residents and tourists is missing within partners’ territories involved. Cooperation among partners and the transnational approach will be therefore strategic in order to properly address the identified needs and finally establish a transnational network of “Child-friendly destinations” featured by a common brand.

WONDER project involves 6 municipalities:2 from Italy(Fano and Cervia), 1 from Slovenia(Velenje), 2 from Greece(West Achaia and Preveza) and 1 from Croatia(Novigrad), 1 Croatian Development Agency (Dubrovnik) and 1 Slovenian Development Centre(Novo Mesto); 1 Tourism Organization from Montenegro(Herceg Novi) and 1 NGO dealing with children issues (Observatory for Children and Youth rights-Albania). 3 Associated partners will contribute to the project: the Albanian Investment Development Agency, 1 civil society organisation dealing with healthy urban living (Split-Croatia) and 1 Chamber of Commerce (Achaia – Greece). The partnership was built on the basis of similar detected needs and potentialities identified through questionnaires distributed to PPs during project preparation. The distribution of PPs’ roles has been therefore based upon their experiences and competences, but also on the basis of the widest possible ADRION territorial coverage.


Supporting 245 families in need with food packages – hygienic – Municipality of Shkodra, Korca and Klos

In framework of the difficult situation created by the global pandemic of Covid-19,  Observatory for Children and Youth Rights, “Voice of Youth” network  with the financial support of UNFPA, within the project “Leave No One Behind ”, joined the forces and came to the aid of 245 families in need from the Municipality of Korça, Shkodra and Klos with food and hygiene packages in these difficult days.
We thank the work team, which helped with the packaging of the aids, to the distribution to families !!!
We thank the staff of the Observatory for coordinating the work, Youth Voice network , SOS  Villages volunteers, Y-Peer and AIESEC Albania, Korça Municipality, Shkodra Municipality, Klos Municipality, UNFPA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for their support. and the contribution given!

Fighting against Child Marriage

Child marriage is a violation of human rights that adversely affects education, health and wellbeing of boys and girls and perpetuates the cycles of poverty and inequality. The Observatory is the first entity in Albania that has raised the issue of child marriage and it has undertaken four years of intensive engagement in exploring and raising public awareness of the practise.

The approach to this matter has started in January 2015, when Observatory, supported by Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), started a project on Child Marriage in Albania focusing on Roma community in three selected areas: Shkoza, Tufina and Liqeni. This study intended to point out the phenomenon of Early Child Marriages in Roma community, as well as the actors which contribute to this phenomenon and the effects that these marriages bring. For more refer to the study report available at: https://observator.org.al/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2015-Child_marriage_in_Albania.pdf.

The first initiative, brought a public reaction pointing out that this situation was not only happening in Roma community, but also in rural areas, so it was followed by a second one, with the support of CFLI, piloted in Korca and Vlora. This second initiative aimed at analysing Demographic Characteristics, Family Background Characteristics, Characteristics of Educational Background, Family Life, Social and Economic Status of Women in Early Marriage, as well as the Reasons for Early Marriage. The study report may be accessed at: https://observator.org.al/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ZEB_Studimi_en_12Feb2016.pdf.

Since the only legal way to enter an Underage marriage is the Court, the third initiative analyses the legal and social aspects of underage marriage in Albania. This initiative, realized in collaboration with CFLI, has resulted in two study reports focusing on identifying and analysing the judicial practices with subject ‘the requests to enter into underage marriage’ and how “underage marriage” has affected the social and family life of the juveniles. The study reports are available at: https://observator.org.al/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Report2-Legal-social-analyze-underage-marriage_June2018.pdf and https://observator.org.al/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Early-marriage-report-english.pdf.

These studies revealed important information about the practice of child marriage in Albania, and the social groups that it predominantly affects. The studies also explored some of the reasons why people support the practice. But, the need to provide a triangulated in-depth look around child marriage, and to explore the social norms supporting/impeding the practice still were unaddressed.

Under the attention of Ministry of Health and Social Protection, in close cooperation with UNICEF and UNFPA in Albania, and with the financial support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, on 14th December 2018, was launched the report “Child Marriage- Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions among affected communities in Albania”. This qualitative study was commissioned to collect data on knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and perceptions, social expectations, incentives, sanctions and norms relating to child marriage in Albania. The study, conducted between the autumn of 2017 and early summer of 2018, focused primarily on Roma and/or poor rural populations where the phenomenon seemed to be more prevalent. Findings and recommendations will better guide mainstreaming of child marriage issues into the country strategies and programmes of government and non-governmental stakeholders, as well as UN agencies. The findings will help stakeholders to understand the issue of child marriage better and build common ground to take action. The study report is available at: https://observator.org.al/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Child-marriage-Report-Final-vesion.pdf.

UN Women Statement: Day of the Girl Child

UN Women Statement: Day of the Girl Child
11 October 2017

“Some people say that it is shameful for girls to go to work or go to school. These are old traditions and conventions.”These are the words of Alan and Israa, two Syrian girls who, through a UN Women-supported training and community centre in Beirut, Lebanon, are learning how to repair mobile phones. This training is helping to break down traditional ideas about what girls can and cannot do, and through giving them relevant skills for their future, it is building resilience and helping to break conventional isolation.
This year, on the International Day of the Girl Child,we are focused on how to ‘EmPOWER Girls: Before, during and after crises’. Throughout 2017 we have seen growing conflict, instability and inequality, with 128.6 million people this year expected to need humanitarian assistance due to security threats, climate change and poverty. More than three-quarters of those who have become refugees or who are displaced from their homes, are women and children. Among these, women and girls are among the most vulnerable in times of crisis.

Displaced and vulnerable women and girls face higher risks of sexual and gender-based violence, as well as damage to their livelihoods ; girls are 2.5 times more likely than boys to miss school during disasters; and displaced girls are often married Offas children in an effort to ensure their security. A 2013 assessment estimated a rise in the percentage of Syrian girl refugees in Jordan being married before age 18 from below 17 per cent before the conflict, to more than 50 per cent afterwards.

At UN Women, we are working to ensure that girls experiencing crises have positive options that allow them to grow and develop social and economic skills. Along with local women’s organizations, we support women and girl refugees through our Global Flagship Initiative, on Women’s Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection in Crisis Response (LEAP), which boosts civic engagement and leadership by advocating for women’s political and social participation at the local, national and international levels. LEAP also establishes Empowerment Hubs where women can network and access critical services and training, and provides job placements, cash-for-work initiatives and training for businesses.
Programmes like these can turn situations of displacement into opportunities for empowerment for girls and young women, remove them from potentially violent situations, and serve as a path to economic security so that they are not forced to marry older men to provide for their physical and financial wellbeing.

As Alan and Israa experienced, UN Women is also tapping into the possibilities of mobile technology, developing a Virtual Skills School, so that women and girls who have dropped out of school due to early marriage, childbearing or traditional practices, who are living with a disability, or who are displaced from their homes and in refugee camps, have access to second-chance learning.
On the International Day of the Girl Child, let us commit to investing in skills training and education for girls and livelihood activities for young women around the world who are facing crises. Far from being passive recipients of assistance, these girls are leaders who will use the skills that they develop today to rebuild their communities, and create a better future for all of us.

Related link

In Focus: International Day of the Girl





The citizen says his word on the efficiency of Public Administration at the local level

Observatory for Children’s Rights (Observatory) in the framework of the Public Administration Reform (PAR), is implementing the “WeBER” initiative on “Monitoring the effectiveness of the performance of local government administration through citizens’ opinion”.

This initiative is being implemented in 2 municipalities and respectively in  Municipality of Tirana and  Municipality of Cerrik. The pilot zone of the initiative are the administrative units No. 5, 6, Dajt and Petrela on Municipality of Tirana and Cerrik and Gostimi on Municipalities of Cerrik. The duration of the initiative is 7 months, June – December 2017. The main purpose of the initiative is to assess the public opinion (residents) about the transparency of local government, the services provided, the best forms of public information and the effectiveness of public administration.

This initiative is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the Small Grants Instrument of the “WeBER – Enabling Western Balkan Countries for Monitoring the Reform in Public Administration by Civil Society” project implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation in Albania (IDM). The project will be realized through the implementation of some measuring instruments that will serve to measure the perceptions of community opinion and local administration staff as; questionnaires and interviews. Meetings on communities and with public administration staff of local government units during which the initiatives and targets to be achieved will be presented and they are also part of the activities of the implementation process. Promoting public dialogue will be achieved through 2 face-to-face meetings with participation of the community and the local administration where the results of both sides’ opinion and their comparison will be disclosed in terms of the performance of the administration in Municipality of Tirana and Municipality of Cerrik.

At the end of the implementation of the initiative will be presented at a final meeting findings, recommendations and comparison of best experiences. The main activities of the WeBER initiative will be made public at all times of its implementation on the Observatory’s web site: www.observator.org.al  on facebook: Observatory for Children’s Rights and on other media.

For anyone interested in knowing more about the initiative implemented by the Observatory, may contact the following email address: info@observator.org.al  and contact person: z.kondi@observator.org.al



This project is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the Small Grants Instrument of the “WeBER – Enabling Western Balkan Countries for Monitoring the Reform in Public Administration by Civil Society” project implemented in Albania by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM).

Enrollment of children in 1st grade

The enrollment of pupils in the first grade is done pursuant to article 13 of Chapter IV “Primary Education” of the Normative Provisions on the pre-university educational system, 2013.

Procedures for the enrollment of pupils in the first grade
1. The enrollment of students in the first grade of primary education for the new academic year is done during the last two weeks of June.
a. During the first six days, only the pupils who live in the school area are eligible to enroll in the first grade of a public school. When the distance of the child’s residence from two public schools is debatable, the parent chooses one of the two schools.
b. Students belonging to other school areas are entitled to enroll in the next four days. The special registrations are admissible until the first days before the start of the school year in September.
2. Pursuant to the implementation of the joint Order no. 2, dated 05.01.2015 “On the approval of the regulation for the implementation of the cooperation Agreement, dated 02.08.2013 “On the identification and school enrollment of all children of compulsory school age”, every educational institution must apply the list of children’s names sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
3. The documents needed to enroll the child in the first grade are:
a. The birth certificate of the child.
b. Confirmation of vaccination from the health center.
c. Ophthalmologist’s report.
d. Child’s address.
e. Confirmation of kindergarten attendance by groups, signed by the director of the kindergarten (if any).
4. In special cases, when a parent wants to enroll a child in the first grade, but:
a. does not have a birth certificate, the school principal allows the child to attend school according to the age claimed by the parent and, according to the circumstances, gives the parent a deadline for the submission of the certificate;
b. does not have the confirmation of vaccination, the school principal asks the parent to address the matter to the relevant health center and, enrolls the child after receiving the confirmation.

We bring to your attention:
Free transportation for students attending kindergarten or primary education who live at a distance of over 2 km away from the school (Item 1.b, Decision “On the use of public funds to transport the educational staff and students who work and study outside the residence”).
Free textbooks for children: victims of trafficking, in detention/sentenced, admitted to the Oncology Service, children of police officers fallen on duty, Roma and Egyptian Children and beneficiaries in public residential social care institutions. (Item 6.9 of the Decision no. 707, dated 26. 08.2015 “On the publication, printing, distribution and sale of textbooks for pre-university education system,” as amended”)


Waiting for 1st of June 2017….#UneMbrojfemijet#InvestOnChildren

Waiting for 1st of June 2017….#UneMbrojfemijet#InvestOnChildren

Award “Child Protection Workers of the Year”

“Child Protection Organization of the Year”


This award has the aim of evaluation of the extraordinary contribution for children of individuals and organizations, for protecting them from any form of violence – by promoting positive and inspirational examples.

The award will be given on 1st of June, as an initial of yearly tradition.

The criteria’s for the Award “Child protection workers of the year”:

  1. To be an employee of the Child Protection Unit and have more than 5 years of working experience.
  2. Have made an extraordinary contribution to protecting children from violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation by bringing changes in the lives of children and families.
  3. To have managed a significant number of cases, applying quality case management procedures.
  4. To be active and cooperate with actors from various public, private, donor, NGO and public awareness-raising community in the field of child protection issues.

The criteria’s for the Award “Child Protection Organization of the Year” (NGO)

  1. To be an NGO registered in the Republic of Albania for more than 5 years.
  2. To have focus on child labor rights and be known in child protection work for abuse, exploitation, violence, or neglect.
  3. To have provided community support and contributing to capacity building of public institutions and / or childcare providers.


The prize will be “Participation in an international training” provided by Childhub.org


Candidates can be nominated at elona.halilosmani@femijet.gov.al until May 25, 2017. The proposal should contain a short argument (max 150 words) on the proposed candidacy. The candidates will be evaluated and selected by the MOSWY Evaluation Commission.


Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth

Olta Xhacka

UNICEF Albania

Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve / Observatory for Children’s Rights

Terre des hommes Albania