Ripostim Njoftim per Ofrim Sherbimi

Tiranë, më 03 Tetor 2022


“Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe të Rinjve” është e interesuar që të punësoj Subjekt per Organizimin e Eventeve për zbatimin e Projektit me donator UNICEF “ Reaching the ureached” .


Subjektet duhet të sigurojnë nevojat e mëposhtme :


  • Materiale Kancelari (120 sete)
  • Draftim dhe printim materialesh ( 120 cope)
  • Sherbim Transporti neper Bashki dhe Brenda TiranesService ( 12 aktivitete ne qytetet Tirane, Elbasan, Diber, Fushe Kruje, Lezhe)
  • Shprenzime dreke dhe pushim I shkurter kafeje ( 240 persona)
  • Qera dhome ( 12 dite)
  • Ekspert per sesione online ( 24 aktivitete)


Subjektet e interesuara preferohet të kenë eksperienca të mëparshme angazhimi me Organizatat, Nderkombetare dhe Institucionet lokale dhe Qendrore, .


Subjektet e interesuar janë të lutur që të dërgojnë Oferten Financiare  brenda dt. 06.10.2022  në adresën:


Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve dhe Të Rinjve

Rruga “Brigada e VIII”, Pall LID”

Kt 1, Z. 1 Tirane – Albania




Ky ripostim thirrjeje ( postimi i pare i bere me date 12.09.2022-23.09.2022)  do të qëndrojë e hapur që nga data e bërjes publike (03 Tetor 2022) e deri në mbylljen e saj (06 Tetor 2022 ).  Vetëm subjektet e përzgjedhur do të kontaktohen.




The citizen says his word on the efficiency of Public Administration at the local level

Observatory for Children’s Rights (Observatory) in the framework of the Public Administration Reform (PAR), is implementing the “WeBER” initiative on “Monitoring the effectiveness of the performance of local government administration through citizens’ opinion”.

This initiative is being implemented in 2 municipalities and respectively in  Municipality of Tirana and  Municipality of Cerrik. The pilot zone of the initiative are the administrative units No. 5, 6, Dajt and Petrela on Municipality of Tirana and Cerrik and Gostimi on Municipalities of Cerrik. The duration of the initiative is 7 months, June – December 2017. The main purpose of the initiative is to assess the public opinion (residents) about the transparency of local government, the services provided, the best forms of public information and the effectiveness of public administration.

This initiative is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the Small Grants Instrument of the “WeBER – Enabling Western Balkan Countries for Monitoring the Reform in Public Administration by Civil Society” project implemented by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation in Albania (IDM). The project will be realized through the implementation of some measuring instruments that will serve to measure the perceptions of community opinion and local administration staff as; questionnaires and interviews. Meetings on communities and with public administration staff of local government units during which the initiatives and targets to be achieved will be presented and they are also part of the activities of the implementation process. Promoting public dialogue will be achieved through 2 face-to-face meetings with participation of the community and the local administration where the results of both sides’ opinion and their comparison will be disclosed in terms of the performance of the administration in Municipality of Tirana and Municipality of Cerrik.

At the end of the implementation of the initiative will be presented at a final meeting findings, recommendations and comparison of best experiences. The main activities of the WeBER initiative will be made public at all times of its implementation on the Observatory’s web site:  on facebook: Observatory for Children’s Rights and on other media.

For anyone interested in knowing more about the initiative implemented by the Observatory, may contact the following email address:  and contact person:



This project is funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the Small Grants Instrument of the “WeBER – Enabling Western Balkan Countries for Monitoring the Reform in Public Administration by Civil Society” project implemented in Albania by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM).

Enrollment of children in 1st grade

The enrollment of pupils in the first grade is done pursuant to article 13 of Chapter IV “Primary Education” of the Normative Provisions on the pre-university educational system, 2013.

Procedures for the enrollment of pupils in the first grade
1. The enrollment of students in the first grade of primary education for the new academic year is done during the last two weeks of June.
a. During the first six days, only the pupils who live in the school area are eligible to enroll in the first grade of a public school. When the distance of the child’s residence from two public schools is debatable, the parent chooses one of the two schools.
b. Students belonging to other school areas are entitled to enroll in the next four days. The special registrations are admissible until the first days before the start of the school year in September.
2. Pursuant to the implementation of the joint Order no. 2, dated 05.01.2015 “On the approval of the regulation for the implementation of the cooperation Agreement, dated 02.08.2013 “On the identification and school enrollment of all children of compulsory school age”, every educational institution must apply the list of children’s names sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
3. The documents needed to enroll the child in the first grade are:
a. The birth certificate of the child.
b. Confirmation of vaccination from the health center.
c. Ophthalmologist’s report.
d. Child’s address.
e. Confirmation of kindergarten attendance by groups, signed by the director of the kindergarten (if any).
4. In special cases, when a parent wants to enroll a child in the first grade, but:
a. does not have a birth certificate, the school principal allows the child to attend school according to the age claimed by the parent and, according to the circumstances, gives the parent a deadline for the submission of the certificate;
b. does not have the confirmation of vaccination, the school principal asks the parent to address the matter to the relevant health center and, enrolls the child after receiving the confirmation.

We bring to your attention:
Free transportation for students attending kindergarten or primary education who live at a distance of over 2 km away from the school (Item 1.b, Decision “On the use of public funds to transport the educational staff and students who work and study outside the residence”).
Free textbooks for children: victims of trafficking, in detention/sentenced, admitted to the Oncology Service, children of police officers fallen on duty, Roma and Egyptian Children and beneficiaries in public residential social care institutions. (Item 6.9 of the Decision no. 707, dated 26. 08.2015 “On the publication, printing, distribution and sale of textbooks for pre-university education system,” as amended”)


Waiting for 1st of June 2017….#UneMbrojfemijet#InvestOnChildren

Waiting for 1st of June 2017….#UneMbrojfemijet#InvestOnChildren

Award “Child Protection Workers of the Year”

“Child Protection Organization of the Year”


This award has the aim of evaluation of the extraordinary contribution for children of individuals and organizations, for protecting them from any form of violence – by promoting positive and inspirational examples.

The award will be given on 1st of June, as an initial of yearly tradition.

The criteria’s for the Award “Child protection workers of the year”:

  1. To be an employee of the Child Protection Unit and have more than 5 years of working experience.
  2. Have made an extraordinary contribution to protecting children from violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation by bringing changes in the lives of children and families.
  3. To have managed a significant number of cases, applying quality case management procedures.
  4. To be active and cooperate with actors from various public, private, donor, NGO and public awareness-raising community in the field of child protection issues.

The criteria’s for the Award “Child Protection Organization of the Year” (NGO)

  1. To be an NGO registered in the Republic of Albania for more than 5 years.
  2. To have focus on child labor rights and be known in child protection work for abuse, exploitation, violence, or neglect.
  3. To have provided community support and contributing to capacity building of public institutions and / or childcare providers.


The prize will be “Participation in an international training” provided by


Candidates can be nominated at until May 25, 2017. The proposal should contain a short argument (max 150 words) on the proposed candidacy. The candidates will be evaluated and selected by the MOSWY Evaluation Commission.


Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth

Olta Xhacka

UNICEF Albania

Observatori për të Drejtat e Fëmijëve / Observatory for Children’s Rights

Terre des hommes Albania


Debate for implementation of the three ministerial order “To identify and register in school every child at compulsory age”


The children do not abandon school when They are 16 years old, but they neglect It since the first grade and then They wait 10 years to make this abandon official

 (Bob Keeshan)


(The case of  S.G. overcomes the extremes of pain and poverty. The family made by 11 members lives in miserable conditions is Durres. S.G. express that every child no exception want to go to school, but the reason that They have abandoned It is the the difficult economic condition and the fact that the older children have to take care of the younger ones while the parents work in different jobs to earn the living.

Currenlty in Hasa Koci School in Shkozet (which is one of the 10 pilot schools of  the initiative “Out of School Children” in partnership with UNICEF and the implementation of  Observatory for Children’s Rights), 2 of the girls of this family attend the second grade after a hard work by the school directory. With the attention of UNICEF and Observatory the case was referred and followed by the local institutions of Durres.

After the participation of the school staff  in training, workshops and activities of the initiative “Out of School Children”  to prevent the abandon of  school, currently the girls are attending school regularly showing a great interests and willing. S.G. expresses that have been the teachers who have provided food when She has not been capable to provide for them.

The school has started and every child want to attend! Despite the economic difficulties, the parents ignorance, the absence of sensitivity to invest in a way that secure the future are some of the factors that prevent this journey. To fulfill the gaps created in years, the government guarantees the education for every child. In this contexts, the families should be more sensitive regarding the registration and attendance of their children in the “genesis” cycle- in preschool.

The debate that we have conducted was related with the fact that the school is not only the education mechanism, but It is also has connective and coordinating functions and makes possible the children’s registration to school and the ongoing attendance. The teachers are missionaries,which with their vision and their spirit inoculate the pupils education among generations. In support of this mission very important actors are also the municipality/ administrative units, the police, the medical centers, etc.

The work model that harmonizes the interaction of all actors in local level regarding the cause of registering in school every child at compulsory age is the initiative“Out of School Children”.  This initiative, piloted in Durres region, is fulfilled in partnership between UNICEF and Observatory for Children’s Rights, with the attention of the Ministry of Education an Sports and with the support of all local structures. The purpose is to identify and register in school every child, despite the fact that they were born in the area or not, creating a favorable environment to live.

In January 5th was signed the Common order of the three Ministries (U3M – Ministry of Education and Sports (MAS), Ministry of  e Internal Affairs (MPB)  and Ministry of Health (MSH)) “To identify and register in school every child  at compulsory age”, in order to coordinate the inter institutional collaboration to make possible that every resident child attend school. U3M publication in the Official Gazette can be found in:

In this context several important steps have been taken regarding the children education including:

  • Raising a work practice for the workbook of the roles of the responsible institutions for the implementation of U3M.
  • The practice of the intersection training between the staffs of the schooling and local institutions which are charged with  responsibility and role by the U3M signing.
  • The guides and instructions for monitoring the best schooling practices for reducing the school abundance and for integrating in school the out of school children.
  • The training practices for the actors in the base educational institutions in order to ensure the regular attendance and the completion of the base education by every children.
  • The work practice for the extraction of the data for international indicators of the educational system.
  • The practice of the intersection of the lists from different sources in order to identify out of school children.
  • The practice of the inter institutional collaboration to intensifies the work regarding the case of out of school children

The call for the children education is addressed to everyone. The education of every child is an every day mission, the implementation of which asks for attention and commitment in time of everyone.

Training’s and debate with representative of the pilot schools_ May 2016

“Out of school children”, an initiative of MoES, with the support of UNICEF is implemented by the Observatory for Children’s Rights. This initiative started in 2013 and was followed by the Observatory for Children’s Rights from 2014 onward, with the aim of identifying and registering in school all children of compulsory education age as well as preventing school leave by children who are at risk of dropping out. This initiative aims to establish adequate mechanisms that facilitate the attendance of school from every child of compulsory school age till 9 grade.

In the framework of the initiative, on 13, 14, 27 and 28 May 2016 were held training’s (2 day training’s) with 51 representative of the pilot schools (directors, teachers and psychologists), with the aim of the awareness and support of each educational institution and every community member in obtaining registration of all children of school age in school attendance, regular attendance, inclusion and the end of compulsory education.

Some of the debate results during the training are listed as follows:

  • Inform director, teaching staff and members of communities on their roles and responsibilities in identifying cases of children who are not yet enrolled in school, the children who do not attend regularly teaching and prevention school dropout risk cases.
  • Provide pedagogical strategies and emotional support for students who tend to dropout.
  • Introduce a mechanism to identify children who tend to drop out of school and finding effective ways of their social involvement in school life and activities.
  • Strengthening the family-school-community relations and the functioning of the bodies set up within the school.

Training and the debate for the issue of out of school children was facilitated by Mrs. Aurela Zisi, IZHA. During the training was explained the training module developed in the framework of the initiative “Providing attendance and completion of basic education for every child.”

Roundtables and promoting debate and dialogue in the framework of the identification of out of school children

Observatory for Children’s Rights (Observatory) during the period February- April 2016 organized round tables by promoting debate and dialogue with special groups of participants to discuss the process of out of school children identification. Round tables were realized in the framework of the initiative implementation “Out of school children”, with the special attention of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) and in partnership with UNICEF Albania.


About the initiative

“Out of school children” initiative is realized with the special attention of MoES, in partnership with UNICEF Albania and is being implemented by Observatory. This initiative has started since 2013 with the aim of identifying and registration of all children at compulsory age also preventing drop out of school phenomena of children at risk of drop out. The initiative aims establishment of appropriate mechanisms that every children at compulsory age to follow the school.

Implementation of 3 Ministerial Common Order (3MO) “For identification and registration in school of all children at compulsory age” is being piloted in Durres Municipality. In collaboration with the working group, composed by representatives of Ministry and other institutions, are selected 10 9- year public schools of Durres Municipality (according the new administrative reform). Criteria of selection were based on Performance Card of each school. In 10 pilot schools of Durres, the interventions for monitoring the implementation of 3 Ministerial Common Order are intensified.


The purpose of meetings and debates

The meetings were realized with the aim of progress of identifying out of school children and mobilization of all local actors for implementation of 3 Ministerial Common Order “For identification and registration in school of all children of compulsory age”.


Groups that participate in round tables

Rountables were realized in collaboration with local institutions in Durres and specially with:

  • Regional Directory of Education (RED) Durres;
  • Institution of Prefect Durres.

Special groups that participate in roundtables are:

  1. Directors of 10 pilot schools and other schools;
  2. Teachers of 10 pilot schools and other schools;
  3. Students, members of Student Government of 10 pilot schools;
  4. Psychologist and social workers of 10 pilot schools and other schools;
  5. Students, members of Student Government of different schools;
  6. Parents, members of Parental Council of 10 pilot schools;
  7. Representatives of different local institutions in Durres;
  8. Working group from Ministries and depending institutions for implementation of 3 Ministerial Common Order.

Roundtables result with a large participation of different representatives, whom express their interest for mobilization in the frameworks of 3MO implementation.


Workshop, consultation and debate for Out of School Children

Tirana, 27 January 2016

Workshop, consultation and debate

Out of School Children- Phase II

Observatory for Children’s Rights, Ministry of Education and Sports in partnership with UNICEF Albania, have realized the Workshop, consultation and debate in the framework of the initiative “Every child in school”.

“Out of school children”, an initiative of MoES, in partnership with UNICEF is implemented by the Observatory for Children’s Rights. This initiative started in 2013 and was followed by the Observatory for Children’s Rights from 2014 onward, with the aim of identifying and registering in school all children of compulsory education age as well as preventing school leave by children who are at risk of dropping out. This initiative aims to establish adequate mechanisms that facilitate the attendance of school from every child of compulsory school age till 9 grade.

This Workshop has collected together representatives of Regional Education Directories, Education Officces, MoES specialists, as well as other experts tasked with collecting data for the registration and keeping the children in school enrollment, in Albania.


Debate for out of school children with school representatives and Local Institutions in Durres

Information about the floods occurring in Albania during January 2016